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Publications (*undergraduate advisee, ^graduate student advisee, and #postdoc advisee), most recent first

  1. K. Daviau^and K. K. M. Lee, “High-pressure, high-temperature behavior of silicon carbide: A review,”Crystals, 8, 217, doi:10.3390/cryst8050217 (2018). pdf
  2. S. M. Arveson^, B. Kiefer, J. Deng^, Z. Liu, and K. K. M. Lee, “Thermally induced coloration of KBr at high pressures,”Physical Review B, 97, 094103, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.094103 (2018). pdf
  3. Z. Du^, J. Deng^K. K. M. Lee, “Experimental constrains on viscosity of (Mg,Fe)O melt up to 70 GPa,” Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076177 (2017). pdf
  4. J. Deng^and K. K. M. Lee, “Viscosity jump in the lower mantle inferred from melting curves of (Mg, Fe)O ferropericlase,”Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02263-z (2017). pdf
  5. Z. Du^, C. Jackson, N. Bennett, P. Driscoll, Y. Fei, J. Deng^K. K. M. Lee, E. Greenberg and V. B. Prakapenka, “Insufficient energy by MgO exsolution to power early geodynamo,”Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL075283 (2017). pdf
  6. K. Daviau^and K. K. M. Lee, “Decomposition of silicon carbide at high pressures and temperatures,” Physical Review B, 96, 174102, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.174102 (2017). pdf
  7. K.Daviau^ and K. K. M. Lee, “Zinc-blende to rocksalt transition in SiC in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell,” Physical Review B, 95, 134108, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.134108 (2017). pdf
  8. J. Deng^, Z. Du, L. R. Benedetti and K. K. M. Lee, “Wavelength-dependent absorption and temperature correction in the laser-heated diamond-anvil cell,” Journal of Applied Physics, 121(1), doi: 10.1063/1.4973344 (2017). pdf
  9. T. Gu#, M. Li, C. McCammon and K. K. M. Lee, “Redox-induced lower mantle density contrast and effect on mantle structure and primitive oxygen,” Nature Geoscience, 9, doi:10.1038/ngeo2772 (2016). pdf supplementary info video
  10. K. Glazyrin#, N. Miyajima, J. Smith and K. K. M. Lee, “Compression of a multiphase mantle assemblage: Effects of undesirable stress and stress annealing on the iron spin state crossover in ferropericlase,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012321 (2016). pdf supplementary info
  11. Z. Du^, T. Gu#, V. Dobrosavljevic*, S. T. Weir, S. Falabella and K. K. M. Lee, “Using stepped anvils to make even insulation layers in laser-heated diamond-anvil cell samples,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 09513, doi:10.1063/1.4929667 (2015). pdf
  12. T. Duffy, N. Madhusudhan and K. K. M. Lee, “Mineralogy of Super-Earth Planets,” Treatise of Geophysics, ed. G. Schubert, Elsevier, (2015). pdf
  13. Z. Du^ and K. K. M. Lee, “High-pressure melting of MgO from (Mg,Fe)O solid solutions,” Geophysical Research Letters, 41, (2014). doi: 10.1002/2014GL061954 pdf supplementary info
  14. Y. Al-Khatatbeh# and K. K. M. Lee, “From superhard to hard: A review of transition metal dioxides TiO2, ZrO2 and HfO2 hardness,” Journal of Superhard Materials, 36(4), 231-245, (2014). pdf
  15. I. Uts*, K. Glazyrin# and K. K. M. Lee“Effect of Laser Annealing of Common Solid Pressure Media on Pressure Gradients in a Diamond-Anvil Cell,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 103904 (2013). pdf
  16. Z. Du^, G. Amulele, L. R. Benedetti and K. K. M. Lee, “Mapping Temperatures and Temperature Gradients during Flash Heating in a Diamond-Anvil Cell,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 075111 (2013). pdf
  17. Z. Du^, L. Miyagi#, G. Amulele and K. K. M. Lee, “External resistively-heated diamond-anvil cell to temperatures up to 1300 K,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 024502 (2013). pdf
  18. N. Madhusudhan, K. K. M. Lee and O. Mousis, “Evidence for a Carbon-rich Interior in Super-Earth 55 Cancri e,” Astrophysical Journal Letters, 759: L40 (2012). pdf
  19. Y. Al-Khatatbeh#, K. K. M. Lee and B. Kiefer, “Compressibility of nanocrystalline TiO2 anatase,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 21635  (2012). pdf
  20. Y. Wang# and K. K. M. Lee, “From Soft to Superhard: Fifty years of experiments on cold-compressed graphite,” Journal of Superhard Materials, 34(6), 25-39 (2012). pdf
  21. Y. Wang#, J. E. Panzik^, B. Kiefer and K. K. M. Lee, “Crystal structure of graphite under room-temperature compression and decompression,” Scientific Reports, 2, 520 (2012). pdf
  22. J. M. Montgomery^, B. Kiefer and K. K. M. Lee, “Determining the phase transition boundary in highly-ordered pyrolitic graphite with time-dependent resistance measurements,” Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 047325 (2011). pdf
  23. L. Miyagi#, W. Kanitpanyacharoen, P. Kaercher, K. K. M. Lee, H.-R. Wenk, “Slip Systems in MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite: Implications for D” Anisotropy,” Science, 329, 1639 (2010). pdf
  24. Y. Al Khatatbeh^, K. K. M. Lee and B. Kiefer, “Phase diagram up to 105 GPa and mechanical strength of HfO2,” Physical Review B, 82, 144106 (2010). pdf
  25. Y. Al Khatatbeh^, K. K. M. Lee and B. Kiefer, “Phase relations and hardness trends of ZrO2 phases at high pressure,” Physical Review B, 81, 214102 (2010). pdf
  26. K. K. M. Lee, “The Enigma of D”,” Nature, 462, 731 (2009). pdf
  27. K. K. M. Lee, G. Steinle-Neumann and S. Akber-Knutson, “Ab-initio predictions of potassium partitioning between Fe and Al-bearing MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite,” Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 174, 247-253 (2009). pdf
  28. Y. Al-Khatatbeh^, K. K. M. Lee and B. Kiefer, “High-pressure behavior of TiO2 as determined by experiment and theory,” Physical Review B, 79, 134114 (2009). pdf
  29. K. K. M. Lee and G. Steinle-Neumann, “Ab-initio study of the effects of pressure and chemistry on the electron-capture radioactive decay constants of 7Be, 22Na and 40K,”Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 267, 628-636 (2008). pdf
  30. R. Jeanloz, P. M. Celliers, G. W. Collins, J. H. Eggert, K. K. M. Lee, R. S. McWilliams, S. Brygoo, P. Loubeyre, “Achieving novel states through shock-wave loading of pre-compressed samples,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi/10.1073/pnas.0608170104 (2007). pdf
  31. K. K. M. Lee and G. Steinle-Neumann, “High-pressure alloying of iron and xenon: ‘Missing’ Xe in the Earth’s core,”Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111, B02202, doi:10.1029/2005JB003781 (2006). pdf
  32. K. K. M. Lee, L. R. Benedetti, R. Jeanloz, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, D. G. Hicks, S. J. Moon, A. Mackinnon, L. B. DaSilva, D. K. Bradley, W. Unites, G. W. Collins, E. Henry, M. Koenig, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, J. Pasley, D. Neely, “Forming conducting water: Implications for magnetic field generation in Icy Giant planets,”Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 014701, doi: 10.1063/1.2207618 (2006). pdf
  33. K. K. M. Lee, B. O’Neill, R. Jeanloz, “Limits to resolution in composition and density in ultra high-pressure experiments on natural mantle-rock samples,”Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 143-144, 241 (2004). pdf
  34. K. K. M. Lee, G. Steinle-Neumann and R. Jeanloz, “Ab-initio high-pressure alloying of iron and potassium: Implications for the Earth’s core,” Geophysical Research Letters, 31(11), L11603 (2004). pdf
  35. K. K. M. Lee, B. O’Neill, W. R. Panero, S.-H. Shim, L. R. Benedetti and R. Jeanloz, “Equations of state of the high-pressure phases of a natural peridotite and implications for the Earth’s lower mantle,”Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 223(3-4), 381-393, (2004). pdf P-V data
  36. P. Loubeyre, P. M. Celliers, D. G. Hicks, E. Henry, A. Dewaele, J. Pasley, J. H. Eggert , M. Koenig, F. Occelli, K. K. M. Lee, R. Jeanloz, D. Neely, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, D. Bradley, M. Bastea, S. Moon and G.W. Collins, “Coupling static and dynamic compressions: First measurements in dense hydrogen,”High Pressure Research, 24(1), 25 (2004). pdf
  37. P. M. Celliers, G. W. Collins, D. G. Hicks, M. Koenig, E. Henry, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, D. Batani, D. K. Bradley, L. B. DaSilva, R. J. Wallace, S. J. Moon, J. H. Eggert, K. K. M. Lee, L. R. Benedetti, R. Jeanloz, I. Masclet, N. Dague, B. Marchet, M. Rabec Le Gloahec, Ch. Reverdin, J. Pasley, O. Willi, D. Neely and C. Danson, “Electronic conduction in shock-compressed water,” Physics of Plasmas, 11(8), L41 (2004). pdf
  38. K. K. M. Lee and R. Jeanloz, “High pressure alloying of potassium and iron: Radioactivity in the Earth’s core?,”Geophysical Research Letters, 30(23), 2212 (2003). pdf
  39. K. K. M. Lee, L. R. Benedetti, A. Mackinnon, D. Hicks, S. J. Moon, P. Loubeyre, F. Occelli, A. Dewaele, G. W. Collins, and R. Jeanloz, “Taking Thin Diamonds to Their Limit: Coupling Static-Compression and Laser-Shock Techniques to Generate Dense Water,”AIP Conference Proceedings, 620, 1363 (2002). pdf


K. K. M. Lee (2003). Exploring Planetary Interiors: Experiments at Extreme Conditions. Department of Earth & Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, p. 122.