Field Experiments

GEology of New England via Seismic Imaging Studies (GENESIS) - deployment of 6 broadband seismometers across the Nashoba Terrane in Massachusetts (with Yvette Kuiper; 2022-present). Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and will be publicly available in 2024; doi:10.7914/SN/9P_2022.
New England Seismic Transects (NEST) – deployment of ~20 broadband seismometers across Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and will be publicly available in 2025; doi:10.7914/SN/7O_2018.
Seismic Experiment for Imaging Structure beneath Connecticut (SEISConn) – deployment of 15 broadband seismometers across northern CT (2015-2019). Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and is publicly available; doi:10.7914/SN/XP_2015.
Mid-Atlantic Geophysical Integrative Collaboration (MAGIC) – deployment of 28 broadband seismometers across the mid-Atlantic Appalachians as part of the USArray Flexible Array (with Margaret Benoit; 2013-2016). Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and is publicly available; doi:10.7914/SN/7A_2013.
Eastern North American Margin Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE) - an amphibious, multiresolution seismic dataset was collected in 2014-2015 to image the passive margin from the continental interior to the oceanic plate. Included passive-source broadband OBS data and several active-source components, including onshore wide-angle seismic profiles, offshore wide-angle seismic profiles recorded by short-period OBSs,  and marine multichannel seismic (MCS) data. With Harm van Avendonk (lead PI), Anne Becel, Gail Christeson, Brandon Dugan, Jim Gaherty, Steven Harder, Matthew Hornbach, Daniel Lizzarralde, Beatrice Magnani, and Donna Shillington.  Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and is publicly available; doi:10.7914/SN/YO_2014. 
Peru Lithosphere and Slab Experiment (PULSE) – deployment of 40 broadband seismometers above the flat slab in Peru (with Lara Wagner and Susan Beck; 2010-2013). Data set is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center and is publicly available; doi:10.7914/SN/ZD_2010.
Test Experiment for Eastern North America (TEENA) - deployment of 9 broadband seismometers across the Appalachians (with Margaret Benoit; 2009-2010).
High Lava Plains Experiment (HLP) - deployment of ~100 broadband seismometers in the High Lava Plains region of the Cascadia subduction zone backarc. I was involved in HLP as a postdoc; project PIs were David James and Matt Fouch (2006-2009).