Lab Group

Dr. Jiuyuan Wang

Agouron Postdoctoral Fellow

Jiuyuan Wang is an isotope geochemist. He is broadly interested in sedimentary geochemistry and geobiology, with particular focus on the co-evolution of life and environment, climate and its feedbacks on seawater chemistry, as well as the fundamental behaviors of isotope systems. He is working on the MRV of the enhanced weathering technique in the group.

Dr. Mojtaba Fakhree

Postdoctoral researcher

Research Interests:

1) Interaction between life and Earth’s surface processes

2) Global carbon cycle

3) Carbon capture

Dr. Tim Jesper Suhrhoff

Postdoctoral Fellow

I study how rocks break down naturally and how we can speed it up to suck more CO2 out of the air. I use fancy isotope stuff to see how rocks behaved during ancient climate changes. Right now, I’m playing with soil, water, and models to see how much CO2 we can trap in our enhanced weathering experiments.

Dr. Ella Holme

Research Scientist 

Research Interests:

  • Experimental geochemistry
  • Kinetics of enhanced mineral weathering reactions
  • Physical and chemical evolution of rock during enhanced weathering
  • Theoretical and experimental limits of carbon capture in natural waters

Brian Beaty

PhD candidate

I am broadly interested in the coevolution of life, climate, and chemical cycles across Earth history, and how the geochemical composition of sedimentary rocks captures these dynamics. Current projects include reconstruction changes in ocean pH across ancient global warming events with boron isotopes, as well as changes in chemical weathering on land with lithium isotopes.

Tom Reershemius

PhD candidate

My work focuses mostly on carbon dioxide removal through enhanced rock weathering (ERW). I use trace metal analysis and other geochemical tools to track mineral weathering rates in laboratory and field experiments, and look at how this impacts ERW as a viable negative emissions technology. More broadly, I’m interested in examining questions about the interplay of the carbon cycle, oxygenation and climate change through Earth history.

Jingjun Liu

PhD candidate

As an astrobiologist, I am interested in the co-evolution of life on Earth and Earth’s atmosphere, particularly in the Precambrian. For the past 3 years, I have been developing a new isotopic photochemical model, a new conceptual paradign and a new proxy for the triple oxygen isotope system, the best system we have to track the Precambrian pO2 and pCO2 due to its mass independent nature. I am currently also working on publishing our major discovery onto a mechanism of Nature that could shape the evolution of surface life for more than 3 billion years.

Isabella Chiaravalloti

PhD student

Research Interests:

1) Mitigating nitrous oxide emissions with enhanced mineral weathering

2) Methods development and application of triple oxygen isotope measurements in phosphate minerals

Ayesha A. Ahmed

PhD student

Enhanced mineral weathering (wollastonite) in agricultural and forest ecosystems.

Chloe Kent

PhD student

Noemma Olagaray

Postbaccalaureate Researcher

I am working with the team executing the USDA grant given to the YCNCC to deploy pilot projects of Enhanced Rock Weathering on agricultural fields. I am broadly interested in the MRV of ERW, policy surrounding CDR, and how to sustainably scale CDR technologies.

Sophie Spiegal

Postbaccalaureate Researcher

Marya Matlin-Wainer

Postgraduate associate

My research interests are: carbon dioxide removal and verification, specifically in agricultural settings.

Gavi Welbel

Research Assistant 

I’m interested in approaches to land management that mitigate climate change, increase resilience, and support ecosystem health. My research is focused on enhanced mineral weathering in agricultural settings, and specifically focused on field trials based at Zumwalt Acres.

Benjamin Mousseau

Undergraduate research assistant

Benj just joined the group in January 2023 and is super excited to be helping out! He is supporting the wastewater treatment plant carbon capture project by helping to characterize particle size distributions in the powdered-up rocks that will be dissolved in the wastewater.