Manuscripts in Progress
- [2] Wang, Q. Z., Gong, Z., Victor, S. K., Corolla, M., Underhill, A. P., McIntosh, R. J., Fang, H., Ding, J. K., Zhao, Y. C., Song, Y. B., Chen, X. X. [submitted]. New archaeomagnetic directions from Late Neolithic sites in Shandong province, China.
- [1] Gong, Z., Wei, G. Y., Fakhraee, M., Zhao, M. Y., Jiang, L., Alcott, L. J. & Planavsky, N. J. [in prep]. Revisiting the marine redox conditions during the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotope excursion.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- [16] Gong, Z. & Evans, D. A. D. [2022]. Paleomagnetic survey of the Goulburn Supergroup, Kilohigok Basin, Nunavut, Canada: Toward an understanding of the Orosirian apparent polar wander path of the Slave craton. Precambrian Research, 369, 106516. [Link]
- [15] Evans, D. A. D., Pesonen, L. J., Eglington, B. M., Elming, S. Å., Gong, Z., Li, Z. X., McCausland, P., Meert, J. G., Mertanen, S., Pisarevsky, S. A., Pivarunas, A. F., Salminen, J. M., Swanson-Hysell, N., Torsvik, T., Trindade, R., Veikkolainen, T. & Zhang, S. [2021]. An expanding list of reliable paleomagnetic poles for Precambrian tectonic reconstructions. In: Pesonen, L. J., Salminen, J. M., Elming,S. Å., Evans, D. A. D. & Veikkolainen, T. (eds.), Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of the Earth (pp.605-639). Elsevier. [Link]
- [14] Gong, Z. & Evans, D. A. D. [2021]. Constraints on the Precambrian paleogeography of West African Craton. In: Pesonen, L. J., Salminen, J. M., Elming, S. Å., Evans, D. A. D. & Veikkolainen, T. (eds.), Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of the Earth (pp. 423-443). Elsevier. [Link]
- [13] Gong, Z., Evans, D. A. D., Youbi, N., Ait Lahna, A., Söderlund, U., Ait Malek, M., Wen, B., Jing, X. Q., Ding, J. K., Boumehdi, M. & Ernst, R. E. [2021]. Reorienting West African Craton in Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Nuna. Geology, 49(10), 1171-1176. [Link]
- [12] Gong, Z. [2021]. Cyclostratigraphy of the Cryogenian Fiq Formation, Oman and its implications for the age of the Marinoan glaciation. Global and Planetary Change, 204, 103584. [Link][PDF]
- [11] Zhang, Z. Y., Peng, P., Feng, L. J., Gong, Z., Mitchell, R. N. & Li, Y. L. [2021]. Oldest-known Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursion: Earlier onset of Neoproterozoic carbon cycle volatility. Gondwana Research, 94, 1-11. [Link][PDF]
- [10] Zhao, M. Y., Planavsky, N. J., Oehlert, A. M., Wei, G. Y. & Gong, Z. [2020]. Simulating meteoric and mixing zone carbonate diagenesis with a two-dimensional reactive transport model. American Journal of Science, 320(7), 599-636. [Link][PDF]
- [9] Gong, Z. & Li, M. [2020]. Astrochronology of the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotope excursion, Oman. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 547, 116462. [Link][PDF]
- [8] Gong, Z., Kodama, K. P. & Li, Y. X. [2019]. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China: Constraints on the remagnetization mechanism and the encoding process of Milankovitch cycles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 528, 232-246. [Link][PDF]
- [7] Wei, G. Y., Hood, A. vS., Chen, X., Li, D., Wei, W., Wen, B., Gong, Z., Yang, T., Zhang, Z. F. & Ling, H. F. [2019]. Ca and Sr isotope constraints on the formation of the Marinoan cap dolostones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 511, 202-212. [Link][PDF]
- [6] Salminen, J. M., Hanson, R., Evans, D. A. D., Gong, Z., Larson, T., Olivia, W., Ashley, G., So¨derlund, U. & Ernst, R. E. [2018]. Direct Mesoproterozoic connection of the Congo and Kalahari cratons in proto-Africa: Strange attractors across supercontinental cycles. Geology, 46(11), 1011-1014. [Link][PDF]
- [5] Gong, Z., Evans, D. A. D., Elming, S. Å., Söderlund, U. & Salminen, J. M. [2018]. Paleomagnetism, magnetic anisotropy and U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology of the early Neoproterozoic Blekinge-Dalarna dolerite dykes, Sweden. Precambrian Research, 317, 14-32. [Link][PDF]
- [4] Gong, Z. & Kodama, K. P. [2018]. Reply to the comment on “Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Doushantuo Formation, South China and its implications for the duration of the Shuram carbon isotope excursion”. Precambrian Research, 310, 467-470. [Link][PDF]
- [3] Gong, Z., Xu, X., Evans, D. A. D., Mitchell, R. N., Hoffman, P. F. & Bleeker, W. [2018]. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of the ca. 1.87 Ga Pearson Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada: A test of vertical-axis rotation within the Great Slave basin. Precambrian Research, 305, 295-309. [Link][PDF]
- [2] Gong, Z., Kodama, K. P. & Li, Y. X. [2017]. Rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Doushantuo Formation, South China and its implications for the duration of the Shuram carbon isotope excursion. Precambrian Research, 289, 62-74. [Link][PDF]
- [1] Li, Y. X., Zhao, X., Jovane, L., Petronotis, K. E., Gong, Z. & Xie, S. [2015]. Paleomagnetic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Costa Rican subduction zone: New results from sedimentary successions of IODP drill sites from the Cocos Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16(12), 4479-4493. [Link][PDF]
last updated: June, 2022