
EPS 101 Climate Change, Fall Term

An introductory course that explores the science of global climate change. We analyze processes that regulate the climate on Earth, assess the scientific evidence for global warming, and discuss consequences of climate change. We explore Earth’s climate history as it relates to the present climate as well as future climate projections. Uncertainty in the interpretation of climate observations and future projections is also examined. 

G&G 421 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Spring Term

This course is an examination of the equations governing rotating stratified flows with application to oceanic and atmospheric circulation. Mathematical models are used to illustrate the fundamental dynamical principles of geophysical fluid phenomena such as waves, boundary layers, flow stability and turbulence. Simplified geostrophic equations appropriate for large-scale flows are derived. The important theoretical framework for understanding the large-scale circulation of the ocean is developed.

We also do experiments in a rotating fluid tank.

G&G 742a Seminar in Ocean and Atmosphere Dynamics: Essential Reading, Fall Term

This course is a forum for reading, discussion and understanding a selection of fundamental papers in ocean and atmosphere dynamics. The class meets once a week to discuss a selected paper. The paper’s content is presented to the class by a group of pre-assigned students followed by a class discussion.

G&G 742a Polar Processes and Climate Seminar, Fall Term

We study a selection of papers related to the climate of the Polar Regions. Atmosphere, ice and ocean processes and interactions are examined in the context of Arctic and global climate.

G&G010a/EVST010a Earth, Resources, Energy, and the Environment, Fall Term

A science seminar for Freshmen, devoted to the understanding of humankind’s interactions with, and place within, the natural world. Topics include: plate tectonics and natural disasters, biological evolution and mass extinction, human evolution, population growth and ecology, industrial resources, groundwater and pollution, fossil fuels and energy transitions, the carbon cycle and greenhouse gases, paleoclimates, current global warming, alternative  energies, and a planetary perspective on the Earth as a singular oasis in space.