†Yale advisee
- 71. Lora, J.M., E.P. Turtle, and J.L. Mitchell (2025). Titan’s weather, climate, and paleoclimate. In: Titan After Cassini-Huygens (COSPAR Book Series). R. Lopes, C. Elachi, I. Mueller-Wodarg, and A. Solomonidou, Eds. Elsevier, pp. 201–237, in press.
- 70. †Rush, W.D., J.M. Lora, C. Skinner, †S. Menemenlis, and 21 co-authors (2025). Atmospheric river detection under changing seasonality and mean-state climate: ARTMIP tier 2 paleoclimate experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 130, e2024JD042222.
- 69. †Olim, E., J.M. Lora, and †J.M. Battalio (2025). Methane storm characteristics and evolution in simulations of Titan’s hydroclimate. Icarus 425, 116290.
- 68. †Scholz, S.R. and J.M. Lora (2024). Atmospheric rivers cause warm winters and extreme heat events. Nature 636, 640–646.
- 67. †Battalio, J.M., M. Cohen, P. read, J.M. Lora, T. McConnachie, and K. McGouldrick (2024). Oscillations in terrestrial planetary atmospheres. In: Atmospheric Oscillations: Sources of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Variability and Predictability. B. Guan, Ed. Elsevier, pp. 399–441.
- 66. Lora, J.M. (2024). Moisture transport and the methane cycle of Titan’s lower atmosphere. Icarus 422, 116241.
- 65. †Battalio, J.M. and J.M. Lora (2024). Increases in the local eddy energetics of the extratropical atmosphere over the last four decades. Journal of Climate 37, 3283–3304.
- 64. Williams, D.A.*, X. Ji*, P. Corlies*, and J.M. Lora (2024). Clouds and seasonality on terrestrial planets with varying rotation rates. Astrophysical Journal 963, 36. *2022 Rossbypalooza summer school advisees
- 63. Chatain, A., S.C.R. Rafkin, A. Soto, E. Moisan, J.M. Lora, A. Le Gall, R. Hueso, and A. Spiga (2024). The impact of lake shape and size on lake breezes and air–lake exchanges on Titan. Icarus 411, 115925.
- 62. †Lombardo, N.A., and J.M. Lora (2023). The heat and momentum budgets of Titan’s middle atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, e2023JE008061.
- 61. Oster, J.L., S. Macarewich, M. Lofverstrom, C. de Wet, I. Montañez, J.M. Lora, C. Skinner, and C. Tabor (2023). North Atlantic meltwater during Heinrich Stadial 1 drives wetter climate with more atmospheric rivers in western North America. Science Advances 9, eadj222.
- 60. Lora, J.M., C.B. Skinner, †W.D. Rush, †S.H. Baek (2023). The hydrologic cycle and atmospheric rivers in CESM2 simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2023GL104805.
- 59. Lewis, N.T., †N.A. Lombardo, P.L. Read, and J.M. Lora (2023). Equatorial waves and superrotation in the stratosphere of a Titan general circulation model. Planetary Science Journal 4, 149.
- 58.†Baek, S.H., Y. Kanzaki, J.M. Lora, N. Planavsky, C.T. Reinhard, and S. Zhang (2023). Impact of climate on the global capacity for enhanced rock weathering on croplands. Earth’s Future 11, e2023EF003698.
- 57. Birch, S.P.D., G. Parker, P. Corlies, J.M. Soderblom, J.W. Miller, R.V. Palermo, J.M. Lora, A.D. Ashton, A.G. Hayes, and J.T. Perron (2023). Reconstructing river flows remotely on Earth, Titan, and Mars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2206837120.
- 56. Shields, C.A., et al. (including J.M. Lora) (2023). Future atmospheric rivers and impacts on precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 high-resolution global warming experiment. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2022GL102091.
- 55. †Baek, S.H., †J.M. Battalio, and J.M. Lora (2023). Atmospheric river variability over the last millennium driven by annular modes. AGU Advances 4, e2022AV000834.
- 54. Skinner, C.B., J.M. Lora, C. Tabor, and J. Zhu (2023). Atmospheric river contributions to ice sheet hydroclimate at the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2022GL101750.
- 53. †Lombardo, N.A. and J.M. Lora (2023). Influence of observed seasonally varying composition on Titan’s stratospheric circulation. Icarus 390, 115291.
- 52. Lee, H.-I., J.L. Mitchell, J.M. Lora, and A. Tripati (2023). Influence of stationary waves on precipitation change in North American summer during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Climate 36, 3165–3182.
- 51. †Menemenlis, S., S.M. White, D.E. Ibarra, and J.M. Lora (2022). A proxy-model comparison for mid-Pliocene warm period hydroclimate in the Southwestern US. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 596, 117803.
- 50. Lewis-Merrill, R.A., S. Moon, J.L. Mitchell, and J.M. Lora (2022). Assessing environmental factors of alluvial fan formation on Titan. Planetary Science Journal 3, 223.
- 49. Lora, J.M., †J.M. Battalio, †M. Yap, and †C. Baciocco (2022). Topographic and orbital forcing of Titan’s hydroclimate. Icarus 384, 115095.
- 48. †Baek, S.H., Y. Kushnir, M. Ting, J.E. Smerdon, and J.M. Lora (2022). Regional signatures of forced North Atlantic SST variability: A limited role for aerosols and greenhouse gases. Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2022GL097794.
- 47. Collow, A., C.A. Shields, B. Guan, S. Kim, J.M. Lora, and 15 co-authors (2022). An overview of ARTMIP’s Tier 2 reanalysis intercomparison: Uncertainty in the detection of atmospheric rivers and their associated precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127, e2021JD036155.
- 46. Comola, F., J. Kok, J.M. Lora, K. Cohanim, X. Yu, C. He, P. McGuiggan, S. Hörst, and F. Turney (2022). Titan’s prevailing circulation might drive highly intermittent, yet significant sediment transport. Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2022GL097913.
- 45. Amaya, D.J., A.M. Seltzer, K.B. Karnauskas, J.M. Lora, X. Zhang, and P.N. DiNezio (2022). Air–sea coupling shapes North American hydroclimate response to ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 578, 117271.
- 44. O’Brien, T.A., et al. (including J.M. Lora) (2022). Increases in future AR count and size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127, e2021JD036013.
- 43. Rafkin, S., J.M. Lora, A. Soto, and †J.M. Battalio (2022). The interaction of deep convection with the general circulation in Titan’s atmosphere. Part 1: Cloud resolving simulations. Icarus 373, 114755.
- 42. †Battalio, J.M., J.M. Lora, S. Rafkin, and A. Soto (2022). The interaction of deep convection with the general circulation in Titan’s atmosphere. Part 2: Impacts on the climate. Icarus 373, 114623.
- 41. Rodriguez, S., et al. (including J.M. Lora) (2022). Science goals and new mission concepts for a future exploration of Titan’s atmosphere, geology and habitability: Titan POlar Scout/orbitEr and In situ lake lander and DrONe explorer (POSEIDON). Experimental Astronomy 54, 911–973.
- 40.†Baek, S.H., Y. Kushnir, W.A. Robinson, J.M. Lora, D.E. Lee, M. Ting (2021). An atmospheric bridge between subpolar and tropical Atlantic regions: A perplexing asymmetric teleconnection. Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL096602.
- 39. †Baek, S.H. and J.M. Lora (2021). Counterbalancing influences of aersols and greenhouse gases on atmospheric rivers. Nature Climate Change 11, 958–965.
- 38. †Battalio, J.M. and J.M. Lora (2021). Global impacts from high-latitude storms on Titan. Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL094244.
- 37. †Battalio, J.M. and J.M. Lora (2021). Annular modes of variability in the atmospheres of Mars and Titan. Nature Astronomy 5, 1139–1147.
- 36. †Menemenlis, S.A., J.M. Lora, M. Lofverstrom, and D. Chandan (2021). Influence of stationary waves on mid-Pliocene atmospheric rivers and hydroclimate. Global and Planetary Change 204, 103557.
- 35. Nichols-Fleming, F., P. Corlies, A.G. Hayes, M. Ádámkovics, P. Rojo, S. Rodriguez, E.P. Turtle, J.M. Lora, and J.M. Soderblom (2021). Tracking short-term variations in the haze distribution of Titan’s atmosphere with SINFONI VLT. Planetary Science Journal 2, 180.
- 34. Barnes, J.W., et al. (including J.M. Lora) (2021). Science goals and objectives for the Dragonfly Titan rotorcraft relocatable lander. Planetary Science Journal 2, 130.
- 33. MacKenzie, S.M., S.P.D. Birch, S. Hörst, C. Sotin, E. Barth, J.M. Lora, and 27 co-authors (2021). Titan: Earth-like on the outside, Ocean World on the inside. Planetary Science Journal 2, 112.
- 32. Kageyama, M., S.P. Harrison, M.-L. Kapsch, M. Löfverström, J.M. Lora, and 18 co-authors (2021). The PMIP4 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: Preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3 simulations. Climate of the Past 17, 1065–1089.
- 31. Lora, J.M., C.A. Shields, and J.J. Rutz (2020). Consensus and disagreement in atmospheric river detection: ARTMIP global catalogues. Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL089302.
- 30. Rehfeld, K., R. Hébert, J.M. Lora, M. Lofverstrom, and C.M. Brierly (2020). Variability of surface climate in simulations of past and future. Earth System Dynamics 11, 447–468.
- 29. Skinner, C.B., J.M. Lora, A.E. Payne, and C.J. Poulsen (2020). Atmospheric river changes shaped mid-latitude hydroclimate since the mid-Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541, 116293.
- 28. O’Brien, T.A., et al. (including J.M. Lora) (2020). Detection uncertainty matters for understanding atmospheric rivers. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101, E790–E796.
- 27. Dixit, Y., S. Toucanne, C. Fontanier, V. Pasquier, J.M. Lora, G. Jouet, and A. Tripati (2020). Enhanced western Mediterranean rainfall during past interglacials driven by North Atlantic pressure changes. Quaternary International 533, 1–13.
- 26. Santi, L.M., A.J. Arnold, D.E. Ibarra, C.A. Whicker, J.A. Mering, R.B. Lomarda, J.M. Lora, and A. Tripati (2020). Clumped isotope constraints on changes in latest Pleistocene hydroclimate in the northwestern Great Basin: Lake Surprise, California. GSA Bulletin 132, 2669–2683.
- 25. Faulk, S.P.*, J.M. Lora*, J.L. Mitchell, and P.C.D. Milly (2020). Titan’s climate patterns and surface methane distribution due to the coupling of land hydrology and atmosphere. Nature Astronomy 4, 390–398. *Equal-contribution authors
- 24. Rutz, J.J., C.A. Shields, J.M. Lora, and 35 co-authors (2019). The atmospheric river tracking method intercomparison project (ARTMIP): Quantifying uncertainties in atmospheric river climatology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124, 13777–13802.
- 23. Lora, J.M. and D.E. Ibarra (2019). The North American hydrologic cycle through the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 105991.
- 22. Lee, H.-I., J.L. Mitchell, A. Tripati, J.M. Lora, G. Chen, and Q. Ding (2019). North Atlantic and Pacific quasi-stationary parts of atmospheric rivers and their implications for East Asian monsoon onset. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 12311–12320.
- 21. Lora, J.M., T. Tokano, J. Vatant d’Ollone, S. Lebonnois, and R.D. Lorenz (2019). A model intercomparison of Titan’s climate and low-latitude environment. Icarus 333, 136–126.
- 20. MacKenzie, S.M., J.M. Lora, and R.D. Lorenz (2019). A thermal inertia map of Titan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124, 1728–1742.
- 19. Molaro, J.L., M. Choukroun, C. Phillips, E. Phelps, R. Hodyss, K. Mitchell, J.M. Lora, and G. Meirion-Griffith (2019). The microstructural evolution of water ice in the solar system through sintering. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124, 243–277.
- 18. Hill, S.A., J.M. Lora, N. Khoo, S.P. Faulk, and J. Aurnou (2018). Affordable rotating fluid demonstrations for geoscience education: The DIYnamics project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99, 2529–2538.
- 17. Lora, J.M. (2018). Components and mechanisms of hydrologic cycle changes over North America at the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Climate 31, 7035–7051.
- 16. Shields, C.A., J.J. Rutz, L.R. Leung, F.M. Ralph, M. Wehner, B. Kawzenuk, J.M. Lora, and 32 co-authors (2018). Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Experimental design and project goals. Geoscientific Model Development 11, 2455–2474.
- 15. Turtle, E.P., J.E. Perry, J.M. Barbara, A.D. Del Genio, S. Rodriguez, C. Sotin, J.M. Lora, S. Faulk, P. Corlies, J. Kelland, S.M. MacKenzie, R.A. West, A.S. McEwen, J.I. Lunine, J. Pitesky, T.L. Ray, and M. Roy (2018). Titan’s meteorology over the Cassini mission: Evidence for extensive subsurface methane reservoirs. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 5320–5328.
- 14. Lora, J.M., T. Kataria, and P. Gao (2018). Atmospheric circulation, chemistry, and infrared spectra of Titan-like exoplanets around different stellar types. Astrophysical Journal 853, 58–67.
- 13. Faulk, S.P., S. Moon, J.L. Mitchell, and J.M. Lora (2017). Regional patterns of extreme precipitation on Titan consistent with observed alluvial fan distribution. Nature Geoscience 10, 827–831.
- 12. Löfverström, M. and J.M. Lora (2017). Abrupt regime shifts in the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation over the last deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 8047–8055.
- 11. Lora, J.M., J.L. Mitchell, C. Risi, and A.E. Tripati (2017). North Pacific atmospheric rivers and their influence on North America at the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 1051–1059.
- 10. Lora, J.M. and M. Ádámkovics (2017). The near-surface methane humidity on Titan. Icarus 286, 270–279.
- 9. Lora, J.M., J.L. Mitchell, and A.E. Tripati (2016). Abrupt reorganization of North Pacific and western North American climate during the last deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 11796–11804.
- 8. Mitchell, J.L. and J.M. Lora (2016). The climate of Titan. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science 44, 353–380.
- 7. McDonald, G.D., A.G. Hayes, R.C. Ewing, J.M. Lora, C.E. Newman, T. Tokano, A. Lucas, A. Soto, and G. Chen (2016). Variations in Titan’s dune orientations as a result of orbital forcing. Icarus 270, 197–210.
- 6. Neish, C.D., J.L. Molaro., J.M. Lora, A.D. Howard, R.L. Kirk, P. Schenk, V.J. Bray, and R.D. Lorenz (2016). Fluvial erosion as a mechanism for crater modification on Titan. Icarus 270, 114–129.
- 5. Lora, J.M. and J.L. Mitchell (2015). Titan’s asymmetric lake distribution mediated by methane transport due to atmospheric eddies. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 6213–6220.
- 4. Lora, J.M., J.I. Lunine, and J.L. Russell (2015). GCM simulations of Titan’s middle and lower atmosphere and comparison to observations. Icarus 250, 516–528.
- 3. Lora, J.M., J.I. Lunine, J.L. Russell, and A.G. Hayes (2014). Simulations of Titan’s paleoclimate. Icarus 243, 264–273.
- 2. Griffith, C.A., J.M. Lora, J. Turner, P.F. Penteado, R.H. Brown, M.G. Tomasko, L. Doose, and C. See (2012). Possible tropical lakes on Titan from observations of dark terrain. Nature 486, 237–239.
- 1. Lora, J.M., P.J. Goodman, J.L. Russell, and J.I. Lunine (2011). Insolation in Titan’s troposphere. Icarus 216, 116–119.