Briggs’ dry lab in the Yale Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences has a Leica MZ16 dissecting microscope with Optronics camera attachment; a Leica MZ6 with a heavy base, extension arm and drawing tube, and a Leica DM 2500P petrographic microscope; Nikon Coolpix 5400 and Fuji Finepix S9100 digital cameras with dedicated Dell desktop; fume hood for acid preparation of samples. His wet lab has facilities for organic sample preparation and storage, including fume hoods and freezers. He has access to Py-GC-MS and spectroscopic techniques through established collaborations The Dept. provides facilities for rock cutting and slabbing; Philips XL 30 environmental scanning electron microscope with EDX; Fully automated electron microprobe; Scintag X-Ray diffractometer, computer automated; Raman spectroscopy. The facilities of the Invertebrate Paleontology Division of the Yale Peabody Museum are also available.