
Externally funded research projects (to be updated):

Current: The impacts of stratospheric temperature on atmospheric and oceanic  circulation and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability. A manuscript is under review in Journal of Climate.

2023-2026: co-Principal Investigator, “ The role of tropical Indian Ocean warming in E3SM and other Earth system models”. (Collaboration with Duke University). Department of Energy

2022-2025: Principal Investigator, “The mechanisms, impacts and predictability of extreme El Niño events in E3SM and other Earth system models”. (Collaboration with Harvard University).

2022-2023: PI, Yale Planetary Solutions seed grant: “Simulating Pliocene climate 2022–2023 as a blueprint for future warming: From cloud physics and ocean circulation to extreme precipitation and droughts”

2021-2024: Principal Investigator, “Coupled dynamics of the North equatorial countercurrent and the Intertropical convergence zone”. NASA

2021-2024: PI, “Collaborative research: the impacts of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a warming climate”. NSF

2020-2023: Principal Investigator. , “Changes in the mean state of the tropical Pacific and the mechanisms of extreme El Niño events”. NOAA

2019-2025: co-Investigator, “Arctic climate change, global ocean circulation and basin interconnections”.  at LOCEAN/IPSL, Sorbonne University, France

2018-2021: Principal Investigator , ”Collaborative research: Examining the links between AMOC variability and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) – from oceanic internal modes to climate impacts”. NSF

2017-2020: Principal Investigator, “The Arctic ocean control of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on multi-decadal and longer timescales”. NSF

2014-2017: Principal Investigator,  “The impact of meridional variations in cloud albedo on tropical climatology, and biases, in Earth system models.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
2014-2017: Principal Investigator,  “The impact of westerly wind bursts and ocean state on the development and diversity of El Niño events:  insights from satellite-based observations and numerical experiments”, funding for a Graduate Student Fellowship, NASA.
2014-2017: Principal Investigator, “Understanding mean patterns, gradients, variability and mechanisms of early Pliocene warmth: The role of cloud albedo.” National Science Foundation. 

2011-2014: Principal Investigator, “A Generalized Stability Analysis of the AMOC in Earth System Models: Implications for Decadal Variability and Abrupt Climate Change.” Department of Energy.

2011-2014: Co-Principal Investigator, “Collaboration Research: Lagrangian Modeling of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and the Madden Julian Oscillation.” National Science Foundation.

2009-2012: Principal Investigator, “Collaboration Research: Reconstructing Meridional Temperature Gradient and Climate Conditions of the Early Pliocene.” National Science Foundation.

2009-2011: Principal Investigator, “Stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.” Department of Energy.

2007-2014: Principal Investigator. “El Niño and Global Warming:  Past and Future Response of the Atmosphere-Ocean System.” David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

2006-2008: Principal Investigator, “Net Energy Dissipation in the Tropical Ocean and ENSO Dynamics: modeling and theoretical study.” National Science Foundation.

2006-2008: Principal Investigator, “Abrupt Climate Changes Involving the Tropics.” Department of Energy.


two elninos

Fig. 1: El Niño events of 1965/1966 and 1982/1983 shown as warm sea surface
temperature anomalies propagating along the equator
(Fedorov and Philander 2000, 2001)


different states of the atlantic

Fig. 2: Different states of the Atlanitc ocean meridional overturning
circulation (AMOC) in an idealized ocean model (Fedorov et al 2007)


combined les amoc model

Fig. 3: Interdecadal mode of the AMOC in an ocean GCM (Sevellec and Fedorov 2013)