Nishihara, Y., Shinmei, T. and Karato, S., 2008. Effect of chemical environment on the hydrogen-related defect chemistry of wadsleyite, American Mineralogist, 93: 831-843. [pdf]
Katayama, I. and Karato, S., 2008. Low-temperature, high-stress deformation of olivine under water-saturated conditions, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 168: 125-133. [pdf]
Katayama, I. and Karato, S., 2008. Effects of chemical composition on the rheological contrast between garnet and olivine and its geodynamical implications, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 166: 57-66. [pdf]
Karato, S., H. Jung, I. Katayama and P.A. Skemer, 2008. Geodynamic significance of seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle: New insights from laboratory studies, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 36: 59-95. [pdf]
Jing, Z. and Karato, S., 2008. Compositional effect on the pressure derivatives of bulk modulus of silicate melts, submitted to Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 272: 429-436. [pdf]
Karato, S., 2008. Deformation of Earth Materials: Introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 463.
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Nishihara, Y., Tinker, D., Xu, Y., Jing, Z., Matsukage, K.N., and Karato, S., 2008. Plastic deformation of wadsleyite and olivine at high-pressure and high-temperature using a rotational Drickamer apparatus (RDA), Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 170: 156-169. [pdf]
Korenaga, J. and Karato, S., 2008. A new analysis of experimental data of olivine rheology, J. Geophys. Res., 113, 10.1029/2007JB005100.
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Skemer, P.A. and S. Karato, 2008. Sheared lherzolite xenoliths revisited, J. Geophys. Res., 113: 10.1029/2007JB005286. [pdf]
Kawazoe, T., S. Karato, K. Otsuka, K., Z. Jing, and M. Mookherjee, 2009. Shear deformation of olivine under deep upper mantle conditions using a rotational Drickamer apparatus (RDA), Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 174: 128-137.[pdf]
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Mookherjee, M. and S. Karato, 2010. Solubility of water in pyrope-rich garnet under high-pressure and temperature, Geophysical Research Letters, 37: 10.1029/2009GL041289. [pdf]
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Kawazoe, T., Karato, S., Ando, J., Otsuka, K., Jing, Z., Hustoft, J., 2010. Shear deformation of polycrystalline wadsleyite up to 2100K at 14 - 17 GPa using a rotational Drickamer Apparatus (RDA), J. Geophys. Res., 120: 10.1029/2009JB007096. [pdf]
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Bergman, M.I., Lewis, D.J., Myint, I.H., Slivka, L., Karato, S., and Abreu, A., 2010. Grain growth and loss of texture during annealing of alloys, and the translation of Earth’s inner core, Geophysical Research Letters, 37: 10.1029/2010GL045103. [pdf]
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Karato, S., 2011. Water distribution across the mantle transition zone and its implications for the global material circulation, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 301: 413-423. [pdf]
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Otsuka, K. and Karato, S., 2011. Control of water fugacity under high pressure and temperature, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 189: 27-33. [pdf]
Karato, S., 2011. Rheological Properties of Earth Materials and Dynamics of the Earth’s Interior, Kyoritu Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 250.
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Jing, Z. and Karato, S., 2012. Effects of H2O on the density of silicate melts at high pressures: Static experiments and the application of a hard-sphere model of equation of state, in press, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.[pdf]
Otsuka, K. and Karato, S., 2012. Deep penetration of molten iron into the mantle caused by the morphological instability, Nature, 492: 243-247.[pdf]
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Nakada, M., Iriguchi, C. and Karato, S., 2012. The viscosity structure of the D” layer of the Earth’s mantle inferred from the analysis of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 208/209: 11-24.[pdf]
Karato, S. 2013, Rheological properties of minerals and rocks, in “Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth” edited by S. Karato, Wiley-Blackwell, 94-144. [pdf]
Grott, M., Baratoux, D., Hauber, E., Sautter, V., Mustard, J., Gasnault, O., Ruff, S., Karato, S., Debaile, V., Knapmeyer, M., Sohl, F., Van Hoolst, T., Breuer, D., Morschhauer, A. and Toplis, M.J., 2013. Long-term evolution of eth Martian crust-mantle system, Space Science Review, 174: 49-111.[pdf]
Karato, S. and Wang, D. 2013. Electrical conductivity of minerals and rocks, in “Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth” edited by S. Karato, Wiley-Blackwell, 145-182. [pdf]
Otsuka, K., Longo, M., McCammon, C. and Karato, S., 2013. Ferric iron content of ferropericlase as a function of composition, oxygen fugacity, temperature and pressure: Implications for the redox conditions during diamond formation in the lower mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 365: 7-16.[pdf]
Karato, S., 2013. Geophysical constraints on the water content in the lunar mantle and its implication for the origin of the Moon, Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 384: 144-153.[pdf]
Karato, S., 2013. Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth (editor), Wiley-Blackwell, pp.402.
Olugboji, T.M., Karato, S., and Park, J., 2013. Structures of the oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: Mineral physics modeling and seismological signatures, Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 14: 10.1002/ggge.20086.[pdf]
Wang, D., Karato, S., and Jiang, Z., 2013. An experimental study on the influence of graphite on the electrical conductivity of olivine aggregates, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39: 10.1029/2012GL051046.[pdf]
Hustoft, J., Amulele, G., Ando, J-I., Otsuka, K., Du, Z., Jing, Z. and Karato, S., 2013. Plastic deformation experiments to high strain on mantle transition zone minerals wadsleyite and ringwoodite in the rotational Drickamer apparatus, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 361: 7-15.[pdf]
Farla, R., Karato, S., and Cai, Z. 2013. Role of orthopyroxene in rheological weakening of the lithosphere via dynamic recrystallization, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110: 16355-16360.[pdf]
Karato, S., 2013. Theory of isotope diffusion in materials with multiple species and its implications for hydrogen-enhanced electrical conductivity in olivine, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 219: 49-55.[pdf]
Selway, K.M., Yi, J. and Karato, S., 2014. Water content of the Tanzanian lithosphere: Implications for cratonic growth and stability, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 388: 175-186.[pdf]
Karato, S., 2014. Does partial melting explain geophysical anomalies?, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 228: 300-306.[pdf]
Karato, S., 2014. Asymmetric shock heating and the terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, B90: 97-103.[pdf]
Miyagi, L., Amulele, G., Otsuka, K., Du, Z. and Karato, S., 2014. Plastic anisotropy and slip systems in ringwoodite deformed to high shear strain in the rotational Drickamer apparatus, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 228: 244-253.
Karato, S., 2014. Water in the evolution of Earth and other terrestrial planets, Treatise on Geophysics, v. 9, “Evolution of the Earth” (edited by D.J. Stevenson), Elsevier, in press.[pdf]
Dai, L. and Karato, S., 2014. The effect of pressure on hydrogen-assisted electrical conductivity of olivine: implications for the conductivity jump at 410-km, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., in press.
Dai, L. and Karato, S., 2014. The effects of Fe and H on the electrical conductivity of olivine, submitted to Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
Dai, L. and Karato, S., 2014. The effect of oxygen fugacity on hydrogen-assisted electrical conductivity of olivine: implications for the mechanism of conduction, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., in press.