NOTE: See downloadable CV for most up to date publications
- Mulyukova, E. and D. Bercovici, D., Mantle convection in the terrestrial planets, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Planetary Science, under contract and submitted, 2018
- Mulyukova, E. and D. Bercovici, A theoretical model for the evolution of microstructure in lithospheric shear zones, Geophys. J. Int., 2018.
- Bercovici, D, and E. Mulyukova, A continuum model for phase mixing and grain-damage relevant to tectonic plate boundary evolution, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 285, 23–44, 2018.
- Bellas, A., S. Zhong, D. Bercovici and E. Mulyukova, Dynamic weakening with grain-damage and implications for slab detachment, Phys. Earth. Planet Int. 285, 76-90, 2018.
- Liao, Y. and D. Bercovici, Magma wagging and whirling: excitation by gas flux, Geophys. J. Int. 215, 713-735, 2018.
- Bercovici, D, E. Mulyukova and M.D. Long, A simple toy model for coupled retreat and detachment of sub- ducting slabs, J. Geodynamics, 2018.
- Mulyukova, E. and D. Bercovici, Collapse of passive margins by lithospheric damage and plunging grain size, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 484, 341-352, 2018.
Liao, Y., D. Bercovici, and M. Jellinek, Magma wagging and whirling in volcanic conduits, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res. 351, 57-74, 2018.
Mulyukova, E. and D. Bercovici, Formation of lithospheric shear zones: effect of temperature on two-phase grain damage, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 270, 195-212, 2017.
- Bercovici, D. and P. Skemer, Grain damage, phase mixing and plate-boundary formation, Journal of Geodynamics , 108 40-55, 2017 (
- Ricard, Y., D. Bercovici and F. Albarede, Thermal evolution of planets during accretion, Icarus 285, 103-117, 2017 (
- Bercovici, D., The Origins of Everything in 100 Pages (More or Less), Yale Univ. Press, 2016. (…).
- Bercovici, D., How did plate tectonics begin? Speaking of Geoscience Blog, Geol. Soc America, May 2016.
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Grain-damage hysteresis and plate-tectonic states, PEPI, 253, 31-47, 2016. (
- Cai, Z., and D. Bercovici, Two-dimensional magmons with damage and the transition to magma-fracturing, PEPI, 256, 13-25, 2016.
- Bercovici, D. and J. Rudge, A mechanism for mode selection in melt band instabilities, Earth Planet Sci. Lett 433 139-145, 2016. ( Open access:
- Scheinberg, A., L.T. Elkins-Tanton, G. Schubert, and D. Bercovici, Core solidification and dynamo evolution in a mantle-stripped planetesimal, JGR-Planets 121 220, 2016.
- Bercovici, D., editor, Treatise on Geophysics 2ed, vol7, Mantle Dynamics; G.Schubert, editor in chief, Elsevier, New York, 2015
- Bercovici, D. Mantle dynamics, Past, Present and Future: An Overview, in Treatise on Geophysics, 2ed, vol. 7, Mantle Dynamics, D. Bercovici editor; G. Schubert, editor in chief, Elsevier, New York; Ch. 1, 2015.
- Bercovici, D., P. Tackley, Y. Ricard, The Generation of Plate Tectonics from Mantle Convection, in Treatise on Geophysics, vol. 7, Mantle Dynamics, D. Bercovici editor; G. Schubert, editor in chief, Elsevier, New York; 2015.
- Bercovici D., G. Schubert, Y. Ricard, Abrupt tectonics and rapid slab detachment with grain-damage, PNAS 112, 1287-1291, 2015;
- Rudge, J.F. and D. Bercovici, Melt-band instabilities with two-phase grain-damage, Geohys. J. Int. 201, 640-651, 2015.
- Yarushina, V.M., D. Bercovici, and C. Michaut, Two-phase dynamics of volcanic eruptions with particle-size distribution: choking conditions and eruptive velocity, J. Geophys. Res. 120, 1503-1522, 2015,
- Qiu, L., Z. Wang; S.-i. Karato, J.J. Ague; M.L. Oristaglio, K.T. Johnson, E.W. Bolton, D. Bercovici, S. Zhang, Experimental study of the reaction kinetics between CO2-bearing fluid and olivine, submitted Chemical Geology, 20
- Cai, Z., and D. Bercovici, Two-phase visco-elastic damage theory, with applications to subsurface fluid injection, Geophys. J. Int., 199, 1481-1496,, 2014.
- Foley,B.J., D.Bercovici and L.T.Elkins-Tanton,Initiation of Plate Tectonics from Post-magma Ocean Thermo- Chemical Convection, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 8538-8561, 2014.
- Bercovici, D. and M.D. Long, Slab rollback instability and super-continent dispersal, Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 6659-6666,, 2014.
- Driscoll, P. and D. Bercovici, On the thermal and magnetic histories of Earth and Venus: Influences of melting, radioactivity and conductivity, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., 236, 36-51 2014.
- Foley, B.J. and D. Bercovici, Scaling laws for convection with temperature-dependent viscosity and grain- damage, Geophys. J. Int. 199, 580-603,, 2014.
- Elkins-Tanton, L.T., and D. Bercovici, Contraction or expansion of the Moons crust during magma ocean freezing? Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 372 20130240,, 2014.
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Plate tectonics, damage and inheritance Nature, 508, 513-516,, 2014. REPRINT
- Bercovici, D., A. M. Jellinek, C. Michaut, D.C Roman, and R. Morse, Volcanic tremors and magma wagging: Gas flux instability and forcing mechanism, Geophys. J. Int. 195, 1001-1022, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt277, 2013. (Publisher link)
- Driscoll, P. and D. Bercovici, Divergent evolution of Earth and Venus: Influence of degassing, tectonics, and magnetic fields, Icarus, 226, 1447-1464, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2013.07.025, 2013. (Publisher link)
- Yarushina, V.M., D. Bercovici, and M.L. Oristaglio, Effect of rock rheology on fluid leak-off during hydraulic fracturing, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggt199, 2013. (Publisher link)
- Michaut, C., Y. Ricard, D. Bercovici,and R.S.J. Sparks, Eruption cyclicity at silicic volcanoes potentially caused by magmatic gas waves, Nature Geosciences, doi:10.1038/ngeo1928, 2013. (Publisher link)
- Cai, Z., and D. Bercovici, Two-phase damage models of magma-fracturing, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 368, 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.02.023, 2013. (Publisher link)
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Plate generation with two-phase grain-damage and pinning: Source-sink model and toroidal Flow, Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 365, 275-288, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.02.002, 2013. (Publisher Link) (Author preprint)
- Yarushina, V.M., and D. Bercovici, Mineral carbon sequestration and induced seismicity, Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, ,doi: 10.1002/grl.50196, 2013. (publisher link)
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Mechanisms for the generation of plate tectonics by two-phase grain-damage and pinning, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 202-203, 27-55, 2012. (PUBLISHER LINK) (More useful (Author Reprint)
- Paczkowski, K., D. Bercovici, W. Landuyt, M. Brandon, Drip instabilities of continental lithosphere: acceleration and entrainment by damage, Geophys. J. Int. 189, 717–729, 2012. (Publisher link)
- Foley, B.J., D. Bercovici and W. Landuyt, The conditions for plate tectonics on super-Earths: Inferences from convection models with damage, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 331-332, 281-290, 2012. (Publisher link)
- Laske, G., A. Markee, J.A. Orcutt, C.J. Wolfe, J.A. Collins, S.C. Solomon, R.S. Detrick, D. Bercovici, E.H. Hauri Asymmetric Shallow Mantle Structure beneath the Hawaiian Swell - Evidence from Rayleigh Waves recorded by the PLUME network, Geophys. J. Int. 187 1725-1742, 2011.
- Bercovici, D., Mantle Convection, in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, H.K. Gupta, ed., Springer, pp.832-851, 2011. (AUTHOR PREPRINT)
- Jellinek, A.M. and D. Bercovici, Seismic tremors and magma wagging during explosive volcanism, Nature 470, 522-525, 2011. (PUBLISHER LINK)
- Rozel, A., Y. Ricard, and D. Bercovici, A thermodynamically self-consistent damage equation for grain size evolution during dynamic recrystallization, Geophys. J. Int. 184, 719-728, 2011. (PUBLISHER LINK)
- C.J. Wolfe, S.C. Solomon, G. Laske, J.A. Collins, R.S. Detrick, J.A. Orcutt, D. Bercovici, E.H. Hauri Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot, Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 303, 267-280, 2011.
- Rudge, J., D. Bercovici and M. Spiegelman, Disequilibrium melting of a two phase multicomponent mantle, Geophys. J. Int., 184, 699-718, 2011. (PUBLISHER LINK)
- Bercovici, D. and C. Michaut, Two-phase dynamics of volcanic eruptions: Compaction, compression, and the conditions for choking, Geophys. J. Int., 182, 843-864, 2010. (PDF)*
- Olson, P., D. Bercovici, B. Buffett, R. Carlson, L. Flesch, J. Phipps Morgan, M. Roy D. Valencia, Grand Challenges in Geodynamics: Outstanding geodynamics problems and emerging research opportunities for the Earth Sciences, white paper prepared for the National Science Foundation, March 2010. (CIG LINK)
- Leahy, G. M., and D. Bercovici, Reactive infiltration of hydrous melt above the mantle transition zone, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B08406, doi:10.1029/2009JB006757, 2010. (PDF)
- Pagani, M., D. Bercovici, J.S. Wettlaufer, and J.J. Park, Perspectives on Climate Change, Yale Daily News, December 10, 2009. (YDN LINK)
- Laske, G., J.A. Collins, C.J. Wolfe, S.C. Solomon, R.S. Detrick, J.A. Orcutt, D. Bercovici, and E.H. Hauri, Probing the Hawaiian Hotspot with New Broadband Ocean Bottom Instruments, Eos 90(41), pp362-363, Oct 13, 2009. (PDF)
- C.J. Wolfe, S.C. Solomon, G. Laske, J.A. Collins, R.S. Detrick, J.A. Orcutt, D. Bercovici, E.H. Hauri Mantle Shear-wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot, Science, 326, 1388-1390, 2009. (PDF)
- Landuyt, W., D. Bercovici, Formation and structure of lithospheric shear zones with damage. Phys. Earth Planet. Int.,175, 115-126, 2009. (PDF)
- Michaut, C. and D. Bercovici, A model for the spreading and compaction of two-phase viscous gravity currents, J. Fluid Mech., 630 299-329, 2009. (PDF)
- Michaut, C., D. Bercovici and R.S.J. Sparks, Ascent and compaction of gas-rich magma and the effects of hysteretic permeability, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 282, 258-267, 2009. (PDF)
- Youngs, B.A.R. and D. Bercovici, Stability of a compressible hydrous melt layer above the transition zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 278, 78–86 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.11.024, 2009. (PDF)
- Richard, G. and D. Bercovici, Water induced convection in the Earth’s mantle transition zone, J. Geophys. Res. 114, B01205, doi:10.1029/2008JB005734, 2009 (PDF)
- Landuyt, W. and D. Bercovici, Variations in planetary convective via the effect of climate on damage, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 277, 29-37, 2009. (PDF)
- Ricard, Y. and D. Bercovici, A continuum theory of grain size evolution and damage, J. Geophys. Res, 114, B01204, doi:10.1029/2007JB005491, 2009. (PDF)
- Landuyt, W., D. Bercovici and Y. Ricard, Plate generation and two-phase damage theory in a model of mantle convection, Geophys. J. Int. 174, Number 3, September 2008 , pp. 1065-1080, 2008. (PDF)*
- Bercovici, D., editor, Treatise on Geophyiscs, vol 7, Mantle Dynamics; G. Schubert, editor in chief, Elsevier, New York, 2007.
- Bercovici, D. Mantle dynamics, Past, Present and Future: An Overview, in Treatise on Geophyiscs, vol. 7, Mantle Dynamics, D. Bercovici editor; G. Schubert, editor in chief, Elsevier, New York; Ch. 1 pp. 1-30, 2007. (PDF PREPRINT)
- Leahy, G.M., and D. Bercovici, On the dynamics of a hydrous melt layer above the transition zone, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B07401, doi:10.1029/2006JB004631, 2007 (PDF)
- Sramek, O., Y. Ricard and D. Bercovici, Simultaneous melting and compaction in deformable two-phase media, Geophys. J. Int., 168(3), 964-982, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03269.x, 2007. (PDF)*
- S. Karato, D. Bercovici, G. Leahy, G. Richard, Z. Jing, The transition zone water filter model for global material circulation: where do we stand? Earth’s Deep Water Cycle, AGU Monograph Series, 168, pp289-313, edited by S.D. Jacobsen and S. van der Lee, 2006. (PDF)
- Richard, G., D. Bercovici and S.-i. Karato, Hydration of the mantle transition zone by subducting slabs, Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 251, 156–167, 2006. (PDF)
- Hier-Majumder, S., Y. Ricard and D. Bercovici, Role of grain boundaries in magma migration and storage, Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 248, 735-749, 2006. (PDF)
- Samuel, H. and D. Bercovici, Oscillating and stagnating plumes in the Earth’s lower mantle Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 248, 90-105, 2006. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and S.-i. Karato, Mantle transition zone water filter, in McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, pp193-196, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Tectonic plate generation and two-phase damage: void growth versus grainsize reduction, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B03401, doi:10.1029/2004JB003181, 2005. (PDF)
- Leahy, G.M. and D. Bercovici, The influence of the transition-zone water filter on convective circulation in the mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L23605, doi:10.1029/2004GL021206, 2004 (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and S.-i. Karato, Whole mantle convection and the transition-zone water filter, Nature 425, 39-44, 2003a. reprint (PDF), supplementary information (PDF), News & Views by A. Hofmann (PDF)
- Ricard, Y. and D. Bercovici, Two-phase damage theory and crustal rock failure: the theoretical `void’ limit, and the prediction of experimental data, Geophysical J. Int. 155(3), 1057-1064, 2003. [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2003.02112.x] (PDF)*
- Auth, C., D. Bercovici and U. Christensen, Two-dimensional convection with self-lubricating, simple damage rheology, Geophys. J. Int. 154 783-800, 2003. (PDF)*
- Bercovici, D. and S.-i. Karato, Theoretical Analysis of Shear Localization in the Lithosphere, in Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Plastic Deformation of Minerals and Rocks, S.-i. Karato and H.-R. Wenk, eds, vol.51, ch.13, pp.387-420, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington DC, 2003b. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., The generation of plate tectonics from mantle convection, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., (Frontiers) 205, 107-121, 2003. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and Y. Ricard, Energetics of a two-phase model of lithospheric damage, shear localization and plate boundary formation, Geophys. J. Int., 152, 581-596, 2003. (PDF)*
- Mistr, S.K. and D. Bercovici, A theoretical model of pattern formation in coral reefs, Ecosystems, 6, 61-74, 2003. (PDF)
- D. Bercovici and G. Schubert, Schubert Receives the 2002 Harry H. Hess Medal, EOS, Trans. AGU, 84, no.9, p.80, 2003 (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Y. Ricard and G. Schubert, A two-phase model for compaction and damage, 1. General theory, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8887-8906, 2001. (PDF)
- Ricard, Y. Bercovici, D., and G. Schubert, A two-phase model for compaction and damage, 2. Applications to compaction, deformation and and the role of interfacial surface tension, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8907-8924, 2001. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Y. Ricard and G. Schubert, A two-phase model for compaction and damage, 3. Applications to shear localization and plate boundary formation, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8925-8940, 2001. (PDF)
- Becker, J.M. and D. Bercovici, Pattern formation on the interface of a two-layer fluid: bi-viscous lower layer, Wave Motion, 34, 431-452, 2001.
- Hieronymus, C.F., and D. Bercovici, Focussing of eruptions by fracture wall erosion, Geophys. Res. Lett.,28, 1823-1826, 2001a. (PDF)
- Becker, J.M. and D. Bercovici, Long waves over a bi-viscous sea-bed: Transverse patterns, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 9, 1-8, 2001. (PDF)
- Hieronymus, C.F., and D. Bercovici, A theoretical model of hotspot volcanism: Control on volcanic spacing and patterns via magma dynamics and lithospheric stresses, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 683-702, 2001b. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Stopping the tectonic conveyor belt: Review of “Dynamic Earth: Plates, Plumes and Mantle Convection” by. G.F. Davies, Nature, 405, 396, 2000. (PDF)
- Becker, J.M. and D. Bercovici, Permanent bedforms in a theoretical model of wave-sea-bed interactions, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 7, 31-35, 2000. (PDF)
- Hieronymus, C.F., and D. Bercovici, Non-hotspot formation of volcanic chains: control of tectonic and flexural stresses on magma transport, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 181, 539-554, 2000. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Y. Ricard, and M.A. Richards, The relation between mantle dynamics and plate tectonics: A primer, The History and Dynamics of Global Plate Motions, M.A. Richards, R. Gordon and R. Van der Hilst, editors, AGU Geophysical Monograph 21, pp 5-46, 2000. (PDF)
- Hieronymus, C.F., and D. Bercovici, Discrete, alternating hotspot islands formed by the interaction of magma transport and lithospheric flexure, Nature 397, 604-607, 1999. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Generation of plate tectonics from lithosphere-mantle flow and void-volatile self-lubrication, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 154, 139-151, 1998. (PDF)
- Ratcliff, J.T., D. Bercovici, G. Schubert, and L. Kroenke Mantle plume heads and the initiation of plate-tectonic reorganizations, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 156, 195-207, 1998. (PDF)
- Dumoulin, C., D. Bercovici, and P. Wessel, A continuous plate-tectonic model using geophysical data to estimate plate margin widths, with a seismicity based example, Geophys. J. Int. 133, 379-389, 1998. (PDF)
- Wessel, P., and D. Bercovici, Interpolation with splines in tension: A Green’s function approach, Math. Geol. 30, 77-93, 1998. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and A. Kelly, Nonlinear initiation of diapirs and plume heads, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 101, 119-130, 1997. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Review of Fluid Physics in Geology by D.J. Furbish, GSA Today, 7, no.11, p.24, November 1997.
- Kelly, A. and D. Bercovici, The clustering of rising diapirs and plume heads, Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 201-204, 1997. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., “Macelwane Medal: Response”, Eos, Trans. AGU, 78, no. 10, pages 108 & 113, March 11, 1997.
- Bercovici, D., Plate generation in a simple model of lithosphere-mantle flow with dynamic self-lubrication, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 144, 41-51, 1996. (PDF)
- Wessel, P., L. Kroenke, and D. Bercovici Pacific plate motions and undulations in geoid and bathymetry, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 140, 53-66, 1996.
- Bercovici, D. and J. Lin, A gravity-current model of cooling mantle plume-heads with temperature-dependent buoyancy and viscosity, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 3291-3309, 1996. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., The unpredictable Earth, Nature, 377, 272, (New Journal Review) 1995c.
- Bercovici, D., On the purpose of toroidal flow in a convecting mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 3107-3110, 1995b. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., A source-sink model of the generation of plate tectonics from non-Newtonian mantle flow, J. Geophys. Res. 100, 2013-2030, 1995a. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and J. Mahoney, Double flood basalts and plume head separation at the 660 kilometer discontinuity, Science 266, 1367-1369, 1994. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D. and P. Wessel, A continuous kinematic model of plate tectonic motions, Geophys. J. Int. 119, 595-610, 1994. (PDF)
- Wessel, P., D. Bercovici and L. Kroenke, The possible reflection of mantle discontinuities in Pacific geoid and bathymetry, Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1943-1946, 1994. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., A theoretical model of cooling viscous gravity currents with temperature-dependent viscosity, Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1177-1180, 1994. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert, and P.J. Tackley, On the penetration of the 660 km phase change by mantle downflows, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 2599-2602, 1993. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., A simple model of plate generation from mantle flow, Geophys. J. Int. 114, 635-650, 1993. (PDF)
- Lozier, M.S. and D. Bercovici, Particle exchange in an unstable jet, J. Phys. Oceanography, 22, 1506-1516, 1992.
- Bercovici, D., H.J.B. Dick and T.P. Wagner, Nonlinear viscoelasticity and the formation of transverse ridges, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 14195-14206, 1992. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., Wave dynamics in mantle plume heads and hotspot swells, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1791-1794, 1992. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert and G. A. Glatzmaier, Three-dimensional, infinite Prandtl number, compressible convection in a basally heated spherical shell, J. Fluid Mech. 239, 683-719, 1992. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert and G.A. Glatzmaier, Modal growth and coupling in three-dimensional spherical convection, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 61, 149-159, 1991. (PDF)
- Olson, P. and D. Bercovici, On the equipartitioning of kinetic energy in plate tectonics, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18, 1751-1754, 1991.
- Glatzmaier, G.A., G. Schubert and D. Bercovici, Chaotic subduction-like downflows in a spherical model of convection in the Earth’s mantle, Nature, 347, 274-277, 1990. (PDF)
- Schubert, G., D. Bercovici and G. A. Glatzmaier, Mantle dynamics in Mars and Venus: Influence of an immobile lithosphere on three-dimensional mantle convection, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 14105-14129, 1990. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., A Numerical Investigation of Thermal Convection in Highly Viscous Spherical Shells with Applications to Mantle Dynamics in the Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1989.
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert and G. A. Glatzmaier, Influence of heating mode on three-dimensional mantle convection, Geophys. Res. Lett. 16, 617-620, 1989. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert and G. A. Glatzmaier, Three-dimensional, spherical models of convection in the Earth’s mantle, Science 244, 950-955, 1989. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert, G. A. Glatzmaier, and A. Zebib, Three-dimensional thermal convection in a spherical shell, J. Fluid Mech. 206, 75-104, 1989. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert, and A. Zebib, Geoid and topography for infinite Prandtl number convection in a spherical shell, J. Geophys. Res. 93, 6430-6436, 1988. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., and G. Schubert, Jovian seismology, Icarus 69, 557-565, 1987. (PDF)
- Bercovici, D., G. Schubert and R. T. Reynolds, Phase transitions and convection in icy satellites, Geophys. Res. Lett. 13, 448-451, 1986. (PDF)
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