Kavya Agarwal Graduate School Student kavya.agarwal@yale.edu |
Jay Ague Henry Barnard Davis Memorial Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences; Curator-in-Charge of Mineralogy and Meteoritics, Yale Peabody Museum; Asso Editor Amer Jrnl Sci jay.ague@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3171 |
Ayesha Ahmed Grad Student ayesha.a.ahmed@yale.edu |
Mohammed Al-Musawi, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate Kline Geology Lab, Rm 306 mohammed.al-musawi@yale.edu |
Halle Altieri Sr. Administrative Assistant, Faculty Support halle.altieri@yale.edu |
Roxanne Armfield Graduate School Student roxanne.armfield@yale.edu |
Ashley Arroyo Graduate School Student ashley.arroyo@yale.edu |
Dan Asael, Dr. Associate Research Scientist 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 dan.asael@yale.edu |
Laurene Asmus Financial Assistant 4 laurene.asmus@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-6556 |
Seung Hun Baek Postdoctoral Associate seunghun.baek@yale.edu Website |
Elizabeth Bailey Graduate School Student elizabeth.bailey@yale.edu |
Joseph Battalio, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate joseph.battalio@yale.edu Website |
Brian Beaty PhD Candidate brian.beaty@yale.edu |
David Bercovici Frederick William Beinecke Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences david.bercovici@yale.edu Phone: 432-3168, 432-3163 |
Alex Bertacchi Flint Postdoctoral Associate alex.bertacchi@yale.edu Website |
Bhart-Anjan Bhullar Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences and Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology and Vertebrate Zoology bhart-anjan.bhullar@yale.edu Phone: 402-689-5998 (mobile) Website |
Yiming Bian Graduate School Student yiming.bian@yale.edu |
Kira Biener Graduate School Student kira.biener@yale.edu Website |
Yanni Bills Graduate School Student yanni.bills@yale.edu |
Ruth E. Blake Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences ruth.blake@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3191 |
Edward Bolton Sr Rsrch Scientist 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 edward.bolton@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3149 |
Liz Brabson, M.S. PhD Candidate liz.brabson@yale.edu Website |
Mark Brandon Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Assoc Editor American Journal of Science mark.brandon@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3135 |
Alec Brenner, Ph.D. Skinner Postdoctoral Associate alec.brenner@yale.edu |
Derek Briggs G. Evelyn Hutchinson Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences; Curator, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History derek.briggs@yale.edu Phone: 203 432-8590 (office) |
Anieke Brombacher, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate jenneke.brombacher@yale.edu Website |
Coral Chen Graduate School Student coral.chen@yale.edu |
Isabella Chiaravalloti PhD Student isabella.chiaravalloti@yale.edu |
Anastasiia Chupakhina Graduate School Student anastasiia.chupakhina@yale.edu |
Carey Ciaburri Graduate School Student carey.ciaburri@yale.edu |
Paul Curtis, MPhil., MSci. Ph.D. Candidate paul.curtis@yale.edu |
Suhani Dalal Graduate School Student suhani.dalal@yale.edu |
Sam De Abreu Graduate School Student sam.deabreu@yale.edu |
Gareema Dhiman Graduate School Student gareema.dhiman@yale.edu |
Christopher Donnelly Lab Manager christopher.donnelly@yale.edu |
Jinlong Du, Ph.D. Laboratory Associate jinlong.du@yale.edu |
Jinlong Du, Ph.D. Laboratory Associate jinlong.du@yale.edu |
Rocco D’Ascanio Postgraduate Associate rocco.dascanio@yale.edu |
Yael Ebert Research Associate 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 yael.ebert@yale.edu |
James Eckert, Ph.D. Rsrch Assoc Earth & Planetary Sciences 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 yu1a.ggsite1@mailnull.com Phone: 203-432-3181 Website |
Matthew Eisaman Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences matthew.eisaman@yale.edu Website |
Eric Ellison, B.A., M.E.S. Graduate School Student eric.ellison@yale.edu |
Brad Erkkila Research Associate 21 Sachem St, New Haven, CT 06511-3706 brad.erkkila@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3189 Website |
Kimberly Espinal Graduate School Student kimberly.espinal@yale.edu |
David Evans Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences david.evans@yale.edu Phone: 203-640-5726 |
Mojtaba Fakhraee, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate mojtaba.fakhraee@yale.edu |
Isadora Falkson Postgraduate Associate isadora.falkson@yale.edu |
Alexey Fedorov Professor of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences alexey.fedorov@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-6551 |
Brianna Fernandez Postgraduate Associate brianna.fernandez@yale.edu |
Amy Ferrick amy.ferrick@yale.edu |
Brady Ferster, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate brady.ferster@yale.edu |
Christopher Fiederlein Rsrch Dev Techn Earth & Planetary Sciences christopher.fiederlein@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1614 |
Debra Fischer Professor debra.fischer@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1613 |
Marilyn Fox Chief Preparator, Vertebrate Paleontology, Yale Peabody Museum marilyn.fox@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3747 |
William Frazer PhD Candidate william.frazer@yale.edu |
Minmin Fu Postdoctoral Associate minmin.fu@yale.edu |
Olivia Gadson PhD Student olivia.gadson@yale.edu |
Jacques Gauthier Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences & Curator jacques.gauthier@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3150 |
Stacey Gerasimov Graduate School Student stacey.gerasimov@yale.edu |
Jennifer Girard, PhD in Material Science and Engineering Research Scientist in Earth & Planetary Sciences jennifer.girard@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 436-3997 Website |
Lucas Gloege Postdoctoral Associate lucas.gloege@yale.edu |
Elly Goetz PhD candidate elly.goetz@yale.edu |
Zheng Gong, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate z.gong@yale.edu Website |
Robert Gordon Professor Emeritus, Senior Research Scientist robert.gordon@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3125 |
Caleb Gordon, MPhil, B.A. PhD Candidate c.gordon@yale.edu |
Gryphen Goss Graduate School Student gryphen.goss@yale.edu |
Lauren Gregory Graduate School Student l.gregory@yale.edu |
Christopher Griffin, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow chris.griffin@yale.edu Website |
Meng Guo Postdoctoral Associate meng.guo@yale.edu |
Patrick Haertel Assoc Rsrch Sci/Scholar Earth & Planetary Sciences 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 patrick.haertel@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1959 |
Sooman Han Graduate School Student sooman.han@yale.edu |
Anne Haws Graduate School Student anne.haws@yale.edu |
Benjamin Hess Graduate School Student benjamin.hess@yale.edu |
Ella Holme Postgraduate Associate ella.holme@yale.edu |
Cerys Holstege Laboratory Assistant cerys.holstege@yale.edu |
Matthew Huber Visiting Professor - Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental Scholar matthew.huber@yale.edu |
Pincelli Hull Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences; Associate Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History; Director of Undergraduate Studies, EPS pincelli.hull@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5006 |
Lisa Janzen Graduate School Student lisa.janzen@yale.edu |
Kelsey Jenkins, B.S., M.S. kelsey.jenkins@yale.edu |
Qinting Jiang Graduate School Student qinting.jiang@yale.edu |
Zhenting Jiang Research Associate/Lab Manager, SEM (TEM), FTIR and Raman zhenting.jiang@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1327 |
Erynn Johnson Collection Manager, Invertebrate Paleontology erynn.johnson@yale.edu |
Boriana Kalderon-Asael Research Assistant 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 boriana.kalderon-asael@yale.edu |
Shun-ichiro Karato Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences shun-ichiro.karato@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3147 |
Jonas Karosas Research Associate 1, MS jonas.karosas@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3189 |
Sarah Katz Postdoctoral Associate s.katz@yale.edu Website |
Caleb Keaveney Graduate School Student caleb.keaveney@yale.edu |
Chloe Kent Graduate School Student chloe.kent@yale.edu |
Soong-Ki Kim Postdoctoral Associate soong-ki.kim@yale.edu |
Jun Korenaga Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences jun.korenaga@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-7381 |
Tomoko Korenaga Assistant Editor tomoko.korenaga@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 436-9088 |
Jennifer Kosty Graduate School Student jennifer.kosty@yale.edu |
Maya LaGrange Rao Postdoctoral Associate maya.lagrange@yale.edu |
Thomas Langford, Ph.D. Senior Computational Research Support Analyst thomas.langford@yale.edu |
Estefania Larsen estefania.larsen@yale.edu |
Gregory Laughlin Professor greg.laughlin@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 436-9405 Website |
Chaoliu Li, Ph.D Geochemistry Research Scientist chaoliu.li@yale.edu |
Zhiyuan Li Graduate School Student zhiyuan.li@yale.edu |
Yu Liang Graduate School Student yu.liang@yale.edu |
Frederik Link, Dr. rer. nat. Postdoctoral Associate frederik.link@yale.edu |
Jingjun Liu PhD candidate jingjun.liu@yale.edu Website |
Eric Loeberich Postdoctoral Associate eric.loeberich@yale.edu |
Nicholas Lombardo, M.Phil PhD Candidate nicholas.lombardo@yale.edu |
Maureen Long Bruce D. Alexander '65 Professor and Chair of Earth & Planetary Sciences maureen.long@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5031 |
Juan Lora Assistant Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences juan.lora@yale.edu Phone: +1 203-432-2627 |
Daniela Lozano La Cock, M.Sc Graduate School Student daniela.lozanolacock@yale.edu |
Yantao Luo Graduate School Student yantao.luo@yale.edu |
Armita Manafzadeh, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate armita.manafzadeh@yale.edu Website |
Annika Margevich annika.margevich@yale.edu |
Miranda Margulis-Ohnuma Graduate School Student miranda.margulis-ohnuma@yale.edu |
Philip McCausland Associate Research Scientist philip.mccausland@yale.edu Phone: +1 (519) 6612111 x880088 |
Dalton Meyer Graduate School Student dalton.meyer@yale.edu |
Olmo Miguez Salas Postdoctoral Associate olmo.miguezsalas@yale.edu |
Zachary Miller Postdoctoral Associate zachary.miller@yale.edu Website |
Ella Milliken PhD Student 210 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT, 06511 ella.milliken@yale.edu |
Alexie Millikin, B.A. Colorado College PhD Candidate alexie.millikin@yale.edu |
Darius Modirrousta-Galian Postgraduate Associate darius.modirrousta-galian@yale.edu Website |
Zoe Molitor Postdoctoral Fellow zoe.molitor@yale.edu |
Spencer Moller, Ph.D. YCNCC Postdoctoral Associate spencer.moller@yale.edu |
Laura Myer Chair's Assistant & Academic Appointments Coordinator laura.myer@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3124 (office) |
R. Damian Nance Visiting Fellow r.damian.nance@yale.edu Phone: +1 203-432-3161 Website |
Barbara Narendra Sr Museum Asst Archives & Meteorites Peabody Museum barbara.narendra@yale.edu Phone: 432-0729, 737-3178 |
Jackson Neuhoff Graduate School Student jackson.neuhoff@yale.edu |
Natalia Nevskaya, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate natalia.nevskaya@yale.edu |
Kara Newman Operations Manager kara.newman@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3165 |
Stefan Nicolescu Collection Mgr Peabody Museum stefan.nicolescu@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3141 |
Caroline Nyateka Postgraduate Associate caroline.nyateka@yale.edu |
Julia Oliva Maiz Postgraduate Associate julia.olivamaiz@yale.edu Phone: 2035079639 |
Tyler Opstrup Materials Assistant I tyler.opstrup@yale.edu |
Michael Oristaglio Sr Rsrch Sci/Scholar Earth & Planetary Sciences 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 michael.oristaglio@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-0579 |
Jeffrey Park Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences jeffrey.park@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3172 FAX: 203 432 3134 |
Thales Pescarini thales.pescarini@yale.edu |
Wyatt Petryshen Graduate School Student wyatt.petryshen@yale.edu |
James Pierce Graduate School Student james.pierce@yale.edu |
Kate Pippenger PhD Candidate kate.pippenger@yale.edu |
Noah Planavsky, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences noah.planavsky@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-9043 Website |
Rebecca Pocock Registrar, Earth & Planetary Sciences rebecca.pocock@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3161 |
Peter Raymond Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies and of Geology and Geophysics peter.raymond@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-0817 Website |
Tom Reershemius Matras PhD Candidate tom.reershemius@yale.edu |
Vanessa Rhue Collection Manager, Vertebrate Paleontology vanessa.rhue@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 4323748 |
Sydney Riemer Graduate School Student sydney.riemer@yale.edu |
Ashley Rivas Graduate School Student ashley.rivas@yale.edu |
Aida Rodriguez Admin Asst Earth & Planetary Sciences aida.rodriguez@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3114 |
Alan Rooney Assistant Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences alan.rooney@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-3761 Website |
David Rossman Sys Progrmr Earth & Planetary Sciences david.rossman@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3155 |
Leah Rubin Research Assistant 1 MS Grade C leah.rubin@yale.edu |
Alex Ruebenstahl Graduate School Student alex.ruebenstahl@yale.edu |
William Rush Postdoctoral Associate william.rush@yale.edu |
Danny Rye Emeritus Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences danny.rye@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3174 |
James Saiers Clifton R. Musser Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences james.saiers@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 432-5121 |
William Samela Rsrch & Dev Tech IV 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 william.samela@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1614 |
Jonas Schneider, BSc ETH Earth and Climate Sciences Postgraduate Associate jonas.schneider@yale.edu |
Peter Schrader Registrar (retired), Earth & Planetary Sciences peter.schrader@yale.edu |
Kat Schroeder, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Asscociate kat.schroeder@yale.edu Website |
Agnieszka Scielzo Shipping and Receiving Coordinator agnieszka.scielzo@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3759 |
Sam Shipman PhD Candidate samuel.shipman@yale.edu |
Silvina Slagter, M.Sc. silvina.slagter@yale.edu |
Ronald Smith Emeritus Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences ronald.smith@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3129 |
Jacob Stuivenvolt-Allen, Ph.D Postdoctoral Associate jacob.stuivenvolt-allen@yale.edu Phone: (801) 856-5597 Website |
Tim Jesper Suhrhoff Postdoc Fellow timjesper.suhrhoff@yale.edu Website |
Rachel Surprenant, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate rachel.surprenant@yale.edu Website |
Li Tan, Ph.D Visiting Fellow - Research Scholar of Earth & Planetary Sciences and Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture li.tan@yale.edu Phone: 203-508-0364 |
Lidya Tarhan Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences lidya.tarhan@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-8078 Website |
Nicolas Theunissen, B.S Applied Physics Postgraduate Associate nicolas.theunissen@yale.edu |
Ellen Thomas, PhD Senior Research Scientist Earth and Planetary Sciences 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 ellen.thomas@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-9383 FAX: 203-432-3134 Website |
Jake Thompson, Ph.D Research Associate jake.thompson@yale.edu Phone: 352-215-9152 |
Mary-Louise Timmermans Damon Wells Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences mary-louise.timmermans@yale.edu Phone: Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences |
Jonathan Toma, Ph.D. Brian J. Skinner Postdoctoral Fellow jonathan.toma@yale.edu |
Elizabeth Vanderkloot, B.A. Middlebury College Earth and Climate Sciences Postgraduate Associate elizabeth.vanderkloot@yale.edu |
Maoli Vizcaino, M.S. PhD candidate maoli.vizcaino@yale.edu |
Elisabeth Vrba Professor Emerita elisabeth.vrba@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-5008 |
Duc Thach Son Vu Postdoctoral Associate ducthachson.vu@yale.edu Website |
Alexis Weintraub Laboratory and Field Technician alexis.weintraub@yale.edu |
John Wettlaufer A.M. Bateman Prof Geophysics, Mathematics & Physics john.wettlaufer@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-0892 Website |
Melissa Wojciechowski Director, Finance & Administration 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902 melissa.wojciechowski@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-3164 |
Jonathan Wolf Miller Postdoc at UC Berkeley jonathan.wolf@yale.edu |
Beck Woollen, B.A. Environmental Studies Postgraduate Associate beck.woollen@yale.edu |
Jordan Wostbrock Assistant Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences jordan.wostbrock@yale.edu Website |
Xuefang Wu Research Assistant xuefang.wu@yale.edu Phone: (1)2034011362 |
Demetra Yancopoulos PhD Student demetra.yancopoulos@yale.edu Website |
Jiankang Yang Postdoctoral Associate jiankang.yang@yale.edu Website |
Serena Yang Graduate School Student serena.scholz@yale.edu |
Elizabeth Yankovsky Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences elizabeth.yankovsky@yale.edu Website |
Maggie Yao Graduate School Student maggie.yao@yale.edu |
Drake Yarian Research Associate drake.yarian@yale.edu |
Kexin Zhang Graduate School Student kexin.zhang@yale.edu |
Zhongtian Zhang Graduate Student zhongtian.zhang@yale.edu |
Mengyang Zhou Postdoctoral Associate mengyang.zhou@yale.edu |